[Redditolavoro] Fw: SlideShare Digest: The Government shares presentations, too

matilde matilde at inventati.org
Tue Feb 14 16:28:25 CET 2012

bello questo! ma io non mastico

----- Original Message ----- 
From: SlideShare 
To: matilde a inventati.org 
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: SlideShare Digest: The Government shares presentations, too

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                  State of the Union reaches SlideShare

                  One of the most important and watched presentations in the US is the State of the Union address, delivered by the President to Congress every January. This year, the White House stepped up its game by adding enhanced graphics and interactive features on the WhiteHouse.gov website. Boring speeches are a thing of the past – the new slogan is ‘by the people, for the people and WITH the people’. 

                          It’s not just happening at the White House. Take a look at how the State of Utah uses presentations to increase awareness of their programs. Its 200+ presentations include information about public health, water quality, and its collaboration with Chile.
                        And the trend continues at the county level. The County of Fairfax, Virginia also encourages the sharing of information via presentations. Their most recent upload, “Sustaining a Culture of Engagement,” presents the county’s approach to issue resolution, customer service, and emergency response. Just like companies in the private sector, these three levels of government are using SlideShare to interact with their constituents as customers. 
                  NGOs share presentations to cut through bureaucracy

                          Non-governmental agencies (NGOs) like the United Nations use presentation sharing to provide constituents with easy to access information. In our interview with Sebastian Majewski, he describes how the United Nations DESA Presentation Network serves as a hub for its division channels. Sebastian explains that the channel decentralized its publishing process, which “empowers each division by giving them control over their own content.” 

                        If you work for or participate in a civic organization, consider making presentation sharing a part of your outreach strategy. Your constituents will get timely information, and your agency will foster good will in your community. Get started now by opening a SlideShare account or uploading something new to your existing account. 
                        Need some help using SlideShare? Check the FAQs on our community forums. We provide support to all registered members of the SlideShare community - free accounts as well as our PRO members. Just log in and submit a help request.



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