[Cslist] [Fwd: I: [tml] 'We will arrest all anarchists" Iranian official declared on 28.12.2009 16:36]
telviola at ecn.org
telviola at ecn.org
Wed Dec 30 10:17:21 CET 2009
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: I: [tml] 'We will arrest all anarchists" Iranian official
declared on 28.12.2009 16:36
From: "pietro clerici" <leonka22 at yahoo.it>
Date: Wed, December 30, 2009 10:09 am
To: telviola at ecn.org
territorio-msf at yahoogroups.com
--- Mar 29/12/09, tactical <tactical at autistici.org> ha scritto:
Da: tactical <tactical at autistici.org>
Oggetto: [tml] 'We will arrest all anarchists" Iranian official declared
on 28.12.2009 16:36
A: tacticalmedia at squat.net
Data: Martedì 29 dicembre 2009, 14:17
'We will arrest all anarchists:' Iranian official Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec.
28 / Trend News
T.Jafarov / "The responsibility for clashes on Ashura Day in Tehran lie on
countries and anarchists, who took every opportunity to disturb public
order," Iranian
Parliamentary National Security Commission Deputy Chairman Ismail Kosari
told Trend News
over the phone.
Kosari added that several forces have tried to strike at the 1979 Islamic
fundamental principles over the past 30 years. All troublemakers will be
identified and
arrested, he said.
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