[aha] Fwd: [PIC-AIS] -II International Congress on Net-Activism

marcobinotto marcobinotto a autistici.org
Ven 17 Lug 2015 15:02:20 CEST


vi segnalo il II International Congress on Net-Activism - Rome, Porto, 
Paris, São Paulo - October-November, 2015.

Come vedete ci saranno sessioni nelle 4 capitali.

  * Roma Session (October, 22nd-23rd, 2015, at Università degli Studi
    “Roma Tre”, Political Science Department) will be dedicated to
    “Net-activism and digital participation architectures: new actors,
    collective actions and networks”.
  * Paris Session (November, 3th-4th, 2015, at Université Paris
    Diderot-Paris7) will be dedicated to “Net-activism and the crisis of
    political action”
  * Porto Session (November, 05th-06th, 2015, at Universidade Lusofona
    do Porto) will be dedicated to “Networked activism and the future of
  * Sãu Paulo Session (November, 16th-17th-18th, 2015, at Universidade
    de Sãu Paulo) will be dedicated to “Net-activism, participation and
    conflict in digital networks”

You can find further information and the calls for papers at:


Io presenterò un abstract per quella di Roma. Spero di incontrarvi lì.



marcobinotto a joindiaspora.com

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