[Antipro] [Fwd: Fw: Invitation to the ENUSP Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, Sept 2010]

telviola a ecn.org telviola a ecn.org
Dom 13 Giu 2010 10:06:02 CEST

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Fw: Invitation to the ENUSP Conference in Thessaloniki, Greece,
Sept 2010
From:    "Gabriela Tanasan" <gtanasan a yahoo.com>
Date:    Sat, June 12, 2010 2:55 pm
To:      "A.I.S.ME." <centrosh a tiscali.it>
         "ADEMM Usuarios de Salud Mentade de Catalunya" <ademm a ademm-usm.org>
         "Advocacy France" <advocacy66 a wanadoo.fr>
         "Advocacy France" <perpignan-po.advocacy a orange.fr>
         "AEIPS" <aeips a mail.telepac.pt>
         "AFTOC" <eode a club-internet.fr>
         "AFTOC" <aftoc a club-internet.fr>
         "AGILE" <info a agile.ch>
         Alianza para la Depresión <smith a alianzadepresion.com>
         Andréa Winter <a.c.winter a bluewin.ch>
         "Angst- und Panikhilfe Schweiz APhS" <aphs a aphs.ch>
         Asociación Bipolar de Madrid <info a asociacionbipolar-demadrid.com>
         Associació de Bipolars y Depressius del Vallès <mleyes a terra.es>
         Associació de Trastorns d&#39;Ansietat - Grups d&#39;Ajuda Mútua
<atagam a ansietat.org>
         Associació Ment i Salut &quot;La Muralla&quot;
<amislamuralla a hotmail.com>
         "Associazione A.M.A." <autoaiuto a virgilio.it>
         "Associazione Penelope" <ass.penelope a tin.it>
         "Behindertenforum Region Basel" <info a behindertenforum.ch>
         "Borderline Anonymous" <Selbsthilfe.ag a frauenzentrale.ch>
         "Collettivo Antipsichiatrico Antonin Artaud - Pisa"
<antipsichiatriapisa a inventati.org>
         "Collettivo Antipsichiatrico Violetta Van Gogh"
<violettavangogh a inventati.org>
         "Comitato d&#39;Iniziativa Antipsichiatrica" <bucalo a tao.it>
         "Equilibrium" <info a depressionen.ch>
         "Erveda Sansi" <esansi a libero.it>
         "FEAFES" <feafes a feafes.com>
         "FNAP Psy" <fnappsy a yahoo.fr>
         "Freizeitverein Allegretto" <wehren a allegrettoclub.ch>
         "Inspirin" <Info a inspirin.ch>
         "Kisjot Ombud Services" <jan.kuypers a kisjot.be>
         "Maison d&#39;Esperance" <martin.urban.es a web.de>
         "Manuel Turmes" <stefan60 a pt.lu>
         "No!Pazzia" <redazione a nopazzia.it>
         "No!Pazzia" <rusadriano74 a yahoo.it>
         "PSYCHEX" <info a psychex.ch>
         "Social Forum CECINA" <mari41 a interfree.it>
         "Telefono Viola" <telviola a ecn.org>
         "Telefono Viola" <telviola_t28 a inventati.org>
         "Telefono Viola" <telefonoviola1996 a yahoo.it>
         "Telefono Viola" <telviola a yahoo.it>
         "Telefono Viola" <cmarchett738 a aliceposta.it>
         "Theresja Krummenacher" <lessansvoix a gmail.com>
         "UilenSpiegel" <uilenspiegel a uilenspiegel.net>
         "Zona Temporaneamente Libertaria" <z_t_libertaria a libero.it>
Cc:      "Peter Lehmann" <mail a peter-lehmann.de>

Dear friends,

I have distributed on May 26, 2010 the invitation to the conference in
Thessaloniki, Greece. I re-send the invitation to our conference once
again, this time with links to download the additional infromation, in
case your e-mail inbox was not large enough to receive the invitation with

We are very pleased to invite you to Thessaloniki,
Greece, onSeptember 28 -
October 1, 2010, to join us at the "DETERMINING OUR OWN FUTURE:
The way forward for all European users and survivors of psychiatry"
Conference organized by The European Network of (ex-) Users and
Survivors of Psychiatry(http://www.enusp.org/), the Panhellenic Committee
of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
(http://survivorspsygreece.wordpress.com/), the School of Psychology and
the Self-Help Promotion Programme of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki. The
second European Empowerment Seminar, supported by Mental Health Europe, is
an integral
part of the conference.

We also invite all ENUSP members to the
Ordinary General Assembly of ENUSP, which will be held on September 30,
2010, 14:15.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ceremony Hall "Alexandros
Papanastasiou", Faculty of
Philosophy (Old building, 1st floor), Ethnikis Aminis Street, 541 24
Thessaloniki, Greece

Please find and download all information
about the conference and the ENUSP Membership Assembly from
http://www.enusp.org/events.htm. There you find the


Program :::> http://www.enusp.org/congresses/thessaloniki/program.pdf

Proposals for working groups:::>

Application form for the participation:::>

Topic list of the Ordinary General Assembly of ENUSP:::>

If you are interested in taking part in this conference, please complete
the application form and return it to congress a enusp.org as soon as possible.
The supported places are limited. Mental Health Euope supports the
participation of 25 delegates coming from EU countries, Open Society
Institute supports 2 delegates coming from non EU countries and Aristotle
University supports 10 delegates coming from Balkan countries.
The conference is free from registration costs.
Conference languages
are English & Greek.
We warmly welcome you to join this event and
the opportunity to rebuild and extend our movement for rights and
alternatives in mental health in Europe.

Please do not hesitate
to contact congress a enusp.org

In the name of the ENUSP board,
with kind regards,

Gabriela Tanasan
ENUSP Co-opted deputy member

0040 740 459 172
gtanasan a yahoo.com

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