[aha] Milano a Cosmist Worckshop by Cristina Moraru

helga helghi a analfabestia.com
Mar 19 Giu 2018 18:12:22 CEST

    We could live as particles of the sun

*A cosmist theory workshop by Cristina Moraru.*

*Monday 25 & Tuesday 26 June 2018 *
*6.30 – 8.30 PM*
*Arthur Cravan Foundation,*
*via Aleardi 11, Milano*

*Workshop program:*

*Monday 25, 6.30 – 8.30 PM*: Presentation of the cosmism philosophy; 
configuration of working teams that will explore the cosmist theory 
according to their similarities in thinking about art and cosmos, and 
their preferred medium of work (drawing, sketching, writing, etc.)

*Tuesday 26, 6.30 – 8.30 PM*: Projection of two works of art related to 
this cosmic theme: The Communist Revolution Was Caused by the Sun, 2015, 
made by Anton Vidokle and The Factory of the Sun, 2015, made by Hito 
Steyerl. Interpretation of the presented works according to a given 
methodology. Conclusions. From 8.30 PM: aperitif and dinner.

/Free entrance. Reservation suggested. The workshop will be in English. /
/To participate please contact mail at cosecosmiche.org/

Art can do anything: it can extend our life, reinvent our bodies, 
resurrect us from death, it can make us immortal, self-sustainable and 
it can offer us the possibility of exploring the entire universe. This 
is the paradigm of thinking which motivated my project ‒ consisting in a 
workshop intended to analyze the possibility of restructuring the 
culture, the society, the politics and ideology, in every aspect of 
human life, in order to achieve the somehow ‘senseless’ purpose of 
attaining immortality.
The theme of the workshop revolves around the cosmist idea that death is 
not natural, is just an error in a certain life process that it can be 
overcome trough scientifically research in all the fields of knowledge, 
including art. (Anton Vidokle and Hito Steyerl).
Nikolai Fedorov takes this idea even further and envisions a world in 
which we would disavow our existence as subjects and choose to be 
objects – not technological objects that are used and devalued through 
time, but art objects, which are cared for and are not replaceable: 
objects that can be restored – animated, but are immortal objects.
Other concepts discussed are: the production of time (Antonio Negri), 
the cosmic circulation of energy, the blood rejuvenation community 
(Alexander Bogdanov), the telepathic sphere of reason (Vladimir 
Vernadsky), the superintelligence and the post-humanism.

Methodology of work:

The workshop will analyze the writings of the cosmist philosopher 
Nikolai Fedorov, with an insert from a contemporary philosopher who was 
concern about this problematic: Boris Groys. The first part of the 
workshop will investigate different concepts related to the cosmist 
theory, exploring creative ways of approaching those concepts. The 
second part will consist in the interpretation, according to a given 
methodology, of two works of art related to this cosmic theme:/The 
Communist Revolution Was Caused by the Sun/, 2015, made by Anton Vidokle 
and /The Factory of the Sun/, 2015, made by Hito Steyerl. The 
methodology will implement a complex apparatus of interpretation 
relating to a structural field of hybrid theories applied in the process 
of analyzing the contemporary artistic phenomenon.
This hybrid theories will appropriate different concepts which belongs 
to other disciplines, connected to the studies of the contemporary 
artistic productions, and could generate new directions of studies which 
could articulate new theories. And by this, it will complete the 
intention of the cosmist philosophy, which wanted to involve a wide 
range of disciplines its research, considering that in its 
interdisciplinarity it will find methods to provide solution for any 
given problems, including human death. This interdisciplinary approach 
will also open the possibility of participating in this workshop to 
individuals with different scientific backgrounds.


The results will consist in an edited publication with the outcome of 
the workshop. Each participant will have to write about their approach 
on cosmist theory and their conclusions after the workshop. I will 
provide an editorial introduction, contextualizing the themes proposed 
by the participants. The publication will be supported by the Center for 
Aesthetics and Artistic Research, from the George Enescu National 
University of Arts (Iaşi, Romania)

*Cristina Moraru* (1987) is an art theoretician, curator and editor from 
Iaşi, Romania. She has a PhD in Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences 
at the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania and she is teaching at 
“George Enescu” National University of the Arts (UNAGE) Iaşi. She is the 
editor of the volumes published by the Research Center of UNAGE and 
(co)editor of the academic journal Studies in Visual Arts and 
Communication. She is a founding member of The Centre for Contemporary 
Photography (C_F_C) Iaşi, and she participated in international studies 
programs at the The National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) 
Iconic Criticism, University of Basel, at the Collaborative Research 
Center “Affective Societies”, Freie Universität Berlin, at the Salzburg 
International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, at the East European 
Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) Lublin, and other independent 
institutions. She published articles in academic journals and 
participated in conferences organized by national and international 

RESIDENZE INSENSATE 2017-2018, a cura di Cose Cosmiche. La Fondazione 
Arthur Cravan indice un programma di residenze e mette a disposizione un 
luogo dove sia possibile elaborare e dedicarsi a progetti considerati 
insensati: oltre il buon senso comune, gli standard, le norme e 
normalizzazioni (consapevoli o inconsapevoli) della produzione artistica 
e intellettuale del tempo… di questo tempo.
La Fondazione Arthur Cravan, è ispirata al performer dadaista A. Cravan 
ed ha l’obbiettivo di supportare, produrre e promuovere idee e progetti 
considerati ‘Irrealizzabili’, ‘non convenzionali’ e ‘Senza Futuro’.

SENSELESS RESIDENCY 2017-2018, curated by Cose Cosmiche. The Arthur 
Cravan Foundation announces a residency programme and provides a place 
for developing and working on projects deemed to be “senseless”: beyond 
the good common sense, standards, norms and normalization (conscious or 
unconscious) of the artistic and intellectual production of the time… of 
this time.
The Arthur Cravan Foundation, inspired by the Dadaist performer A. 
Cravan, is dedicated to supporting, producing, and promoting projects 
and ideas deemed to be “unrealizable,” “non-conventional” and “No Future”.

Image: Anton Vidokle, Film still from /The Communist Revolution Was 
Caused By the Sun/, 2015.

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