[aha] MediaArtHistories International Award: Call for Nominations
Image Science
Image.Science a donau-uni.ac.at
Gio 26 Gen 2017 11:45:44 CET
MediaArtHistories International Award: Call for Nominations
On the occasion of its 7th Biannual Conference Re:Trace, the Media Art
Histories Conference Board is pleased to announce its call for
nominations for the Media Art Histories Award for Outstanding
This award will be conferred upon an individual scholar working in any
language in recognition for their innovative and inspirational
contribution to the field of Media Art Histories, sustained development
of the global community and research program of Media Art, and for
scholarly excellence at the highest level.
Two years ago, Dr. Barbara Maria STAFFORD, University of Chicago,
received the inaugural award for her achievements in imaging arts,
optical sciences, and performance technologies.
Presentation of the 2nd Media Art Histories Award will take place at
the Re:Trace 2017 Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and
Technology, to be held in early December 2017 in Krems and Vienna,
Austria. The individual awarded will also be recognized at all future
conferences, as well as in the Media Art Histories Archive and on the
Conference Series social media forums.
The Media Art Histories Board asks for your nominations. Please submit
proposals of approximately 500 words describing the nominee's merit and
achievements in scholarship in the histories of the media arts, the arts
and science and/or the arts and technology, and related fields.
The time for nominations will close on April 10, 2017. Please submit
your proposals to coordination(at)mediaarthistory.org A committee of
board and non-board members will select the MediaArtHistories Award
Initiated by the Media Art Histories Board:
Prof. Dr. Sean CUBITT (Deputy Head of Department & PhD Tutor / Media
and Communications / Goldsmiths University of London / UK), Univ.-Prof.
Dr. habil. Dr.h.c. Oliver GRAU (Head of Dept & Chair Professor in Image
Science / Danube University / AT), Dr. Linda Dalrymple HENDERSON (David
Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professor in Art History / Dept of Art + Art
History / University of Texas at Austin / US), Dr. Andreas BROECKMANN
(Leuphana Arts Program, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, GER), Prof. Dr.
Erkki HUHTAMO (Departments of Design Media Arts, and Film, Television,
and Digital Media / University of California Los Angeles / US), Prof.
Dr. Douglas KAHN (Professor of Media and Innovation / National Institute
of Experimental Arts (NIEA) / University of New South Wales, Sydney /
AU), Prof. Dr. Martin KEMP (Emeritus Professor of the History of Art /
Oxford University / UK), Prof. Dr. Machiko KUSAHARA (School of Letters,
Arts and Sciences / Waseda University / Tokyo, Japan), Prof. Dr. Tim
LENOIR (Kimberly J. Jenkins Chair for New Technologies in Society / Duke
University / US), Prof. Dr. Gunalan NADARAJAN (Dean / Stamps School of
Art & Design / University of Michigan / US), Prof. Dr. Paul THOMAS
(Director / Fine Arts at College of Fine Art / University of New South
Wales /AU)
MISSION MAH Conference Series
"Recognizing the increasing significance of media art for our culture,
this conference for the Histories of Media Art Histories discusses the
history of media art within the interdisciplinary and intercultural
contexts of the histories of art, media, science and technology." (Villa
Vigoni 2004)
Media Art History Conference Series and Archive --
MediaArtHistories – Advanced, MA -- www.mediacultures.net/mah
Archive of Digital Art -- www.digitalartarchive.at
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