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penelope.di.pixel penelope.di.pixel a gmail.com
Lun 2 Maggio 2011 10:54:15 CEST

ciao list,

il Casoria Contemporary Art Museum č un luogo incredibile, credo che ve ne
parlaremo pių aprofonditamente nel prossimo futir. qui qualche foto dalla
distribuzione della REFF AR Drug dove si vede quanche scorcio del museo

REFF con il libro  la Drug sono entrati nella collezione permanente

un saluto a Juanita :)



The *Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum* hosted an exhibit and performance of
*REFF, RomaEuropa FakeFactory*.
On show were the *Augmented Reality Drug* used by the REFF fake institution
to promote a worldwide wave of reality reinvention for students, artists,
cultural operators, activists and performers, the *REFF map* which shows all
the events happening in the fake institution and *all the works* of the
artists, architects, designers, hackers, activists and performers
participating to REFF.
*Doctor AR,* the fake institution’s augmented holistic health expert,
explained to an audience in a state of beautiful amazement the benefits
coming from the reinvention of reality through critical practices of
worldwide, ubiquitous remix, mashup, re-enactment, plagiarism, turning the
whole planet into an art performance.
The day at the Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum featured international
projects such as *Magmart Video Under Volcano*, *TOXIC Japanese
Videoart*, *Focus
Revolution* and *Glances Around Dump*.

more info at:

REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory

the Augmented Reality Drug:

REFF world map:

Casoria Contemporary Arts Museum

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