[aha] Nuclear Anxiety

penelope.di.pixel penelope.di.pixel a gmail.com
Mar 29 Mar 2011 15:52:19 CEST

ciao lista,

bombardamenti, reattori esplosi, acqua al plutonio, metropoli fantasma.

Nuclear Anxiety inizia il 13 marzo scorso , dopo lunghe discussioni con xdxd
e un'abbuffata di link, video, immagini, comunicati. Inizialmente un post
scritto a caldo, poi un ciclo e il 25 un'opera: uno strem.

fino al referendum sul nucleare (12-13 giugno), su Artsblog ci sarà un
articolo dedicato a opere ispirate alla società atomica. abbiamo messo su
anche una pagina FB per raccogliere i contributi: se avete lavori vostri o
di altri, segnalateli pure o scrivendo via mail o linkando l'opera
direttamente sulla pagina. sarà tutto molto gratito

sotto trovate tutti i link,

a presto,

*Nuclear Anxiety*


These are really complex days. The earth itself seems to be revolting.
Together with its people: Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria. Chernobyl nuclear
disaster is still in our minds and in the continuous stream of information
coming from the media that anyone who lived during those times remembers
quite well: the contradicting information about nuclear energy, what was
contaminated with radiation, what wasn’t, what you could eat and what you
should have avoided.

And now, Fukushima.

And, in the background of both events, as a continuous barely hearable
noise, the scenario of this enormous topic for discussion: the energetic
future of the world, between oil, nuclear power and new, renewable forms of

This is something that is often discussed in terms of “future”, but it is a
future that has already arrived. We realized that we didn’t have any answer,
and that in that moment all that prevailed was a sustained sense of anxiety.
Something that movies, net mythologies, urban legends and all sorts of
conspiracy theories have infiltrated in our minds as something believable
even if we don’t believe in it.

“Nuclear Anxiety” was born during this over-stimulating days:


It is a simple *twitter based visualization*: while you look at it, it
fetches the most recent tweets speaking about “nuclear” in several
languages, adds them to a database and plots them on a map using icons.

During this tough days, Nuclear Anxiety is also a small contribute to make
us reflecting about nuclear age using art: we created a facebook page to
collect artwork, informations, linkss and a weekly appointment on the a
popular italian online magazine, Artblog.it
Thank you for publishing this message,

penelope.di.pixel and xDxD.vs.xDxD
AOS, Art is Open Source



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