[aha] Database of Virtual Art : Collective Tool for the Field

Image Science image.science a donau-uni.ac.at
Ven 27 Nov 2009 14:57:57 CET

Pioneer in the field, the Database of Virtual Art (DVA) has been
documenting the rapidly evolving digital installation art for more than
a decade. Cooperating with known media artists, researchers and
institutions as members allows the DVA to develop into the collective
project in the field. There have been a number of online archives
supported over the years, but almost all no longer have funding and have
either disappeared or exist in a frozen condition. 

The DVA is beginning a renewed phase of further development with
existing and new members. Based on the *concept of expanded
documentation* it epitomizes a collective, *facebook-like* project
dedicated to media art. 500 artists selected from over 5000 applicants
offer the best selection of thousands of high quality artworks. Besides
the artists, more than 300 theorists and mediaarthistorians are
contributors. The DVA is a scholarly project and from the beginning a
university-based endeavor. 

NEW FEATURES of the DVA ::: 
::: Optimized upload system allowing contributors to add, revise, &
cross-link information in a clear online procedure. 
::: Artists can easily upload videos, as well as work descriptions,
digital documents, technical data, institutions and bios.
::: This rich online resource has a systematic thesaurus built from
various international keyword systems.
::: Any contributor from the field can submit to the news-ticker. 

Inviting a new wave of contributions to use the enhanced and improved

:::::::  Database of Virtual Art  :::::  ADVISORY BOARD  ::::::
Roy ASCOTT, Beryl GRAHAM, Erkki HUHTAMO, Jorge LA FERLA, Gunalan
NADARAJAN, Christiane PAUL, Martin ROTH, Steve WILSON 

Beside the Database of Virtual Art -  the Goettweig Print Collection
(www.gssg.at) containing 30.000 original prints from Renaissance to
Baroque until now, allows in-depth research into its large resources. We
are glad to report that Danube University is able to provide open
archives contextualizing media art in art and image history. 

The Department for Image Science offers a Master of Arts program
MediaArtHistories:  www.donau-uni.ac.at/dis  www.donau-uni.ac.at/mah 

The DVA is partner of:
Re:Live - World Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and
Technology  www.mediaarthistory.org 
DANUBE TELELECTURES : www.donau-uni.ac.at/telelectures 

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