[aha] Summer Holiday Advice For Your Next Flights - Check Reality UpDates

Paolo Cirio info at bidibid.org
Fri Jun 20 14:24:10 CEST 2008


For your next summer flights, you may have to check to see whether  
your clothes are
‘peaceful enough’: T-shirts with offensive images could be a danger to  
other people.
Is that real? Is your gun real?

Gun T-shirt - 'it is a security risk' at a London airport.   BBC  
News.  2 June 2008.
A man wearing a T-shirt depicting a cartoon character holding a gun  
was stopped
from boarding a flight by the security at Heathrow's Terminal 5.

PRESS RELEASE  Updated - 20 June 08 - www.Check-Check.org

Online since September 2007, check-check.org focuses on airport  
security regulations.
In particular, we put the spotlight on the tactics of fear-mongering  
that are being employed
in airports –  for some time now authorities have been with people’s  
minds in their attempt
to generate a culture of anxiety.

Recently, Airport Security Measures have come under strong criticism.  
People are finally
feeling free enough to debate the absurd hysteria and exploitation  
that has defined the
post-9/11 world.
We would like the image of our project to serve two purposes. Firstly,  
we wish to join with
and contribute to the recent wave of support for rationalism and  
independent thinking.
At the same time, we wish to clearly oppose the counteroffensive of  
certain specific
groups - those who would maintain and increase social controls, those  
who are involved
in the business of security devices, and those who promulgate a vision  
of the world
as being in a state of emergency.

Our efforts and research continues in this area because we believe it  
to be a symbolic
representation of this sort of war propaganda. These issues affect  
everyone, regardless
of whether they are involved in the debates surrounding politics, war  
or freedom.

So, We are delighted to introduce new stuff about the Transportation  
Security Administration:
(  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transportation_Security_Administration#Criticisms 

- An art installation which displays ordinary objects seen in a new,  
dangerous light.
In the context of the airport, many objects that ordinarily seem  
harmless are seen as
potential weapons of destruction.

- A blog with selected updated news about TSA security measures, like  
the funny t-shirt
case and other incredible stories which happen daily in all the  
airports of this small world.

- We are glad to announce our detailed interview requested by Voices  
of Resistance from
Occupied London in the Issue Three, Urgencies of Everyday life:  
Between Here and the Outside

-  We are continuing our online platform in order to deprogram people  
from PsyOps of the
Security Theatre. Because "Contrary to state-owned media or  
international political agencies,
the Internet is said to be an effective therapeutic tool for a variety  
of symptoms and disorders,
for its displaced, non-personal, but direct connection." Check- 
Check.org wants to get in touch
with all beings suffering from the ambivalence of reality and would  
give you the opportunity
of a self psycho-analyzation in the airport scenario.

Now are you scared of your next flights? Why? Let's relax with the  
anti-propaganda pop music below.
You shouldn't miss these amazing video-clips before your holiday  

TSA Gangstaz - Let's have fun with this ridiculous hip-pop video, enjoy!

XX Teens - How To Reduce The Chances Of Being A Terror Victim

Thank you for the attention.

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