[aha] Three readymade paths to god for xmas and more!

Dedalus dedalus at autistici.org
Sun Dec 14 21:44:09 CET 2008


1) Release of "3 ready-made paths to God" piece @ Pixxelpoint 2008
2) Online Two new Video Pieces: "Too close to duchamp's bicycle" and  
"Neverending Happy End"
3) In Support of Anna Adamolo
4) Untitled Imaginary Intervention
5) Fake Publishing: just another success story

1) Released a New Piece:
Three ready-made paths to God

Wandering around the geolocated matrix and looking always for the  
same directions, sometimes it happens to get lost and to wonder if  
there’s any way out of here.

Inquiring one of the most popular web mapping service, the imaginary  
art group Les Liens Invisibles found three spiritual pilgrimage  
routes ready to be shared, printed, and executed.

The “3 ready-made paths to God” piece is the ironical attempt to  
trace and reveals the invisible boundaries between body, data and  
god, and it will be presented at PixxelPoint International new media  
festival of Nova Gorica (Slovenia) in December 2008.

* Launch the work @ http://www.lesliensinvisibles.org/3-ready-made- 

About Pixxelpoint 2008
* For God's sake! exhibition @ www.pixxelpoint.org

* For God's sake! pictures @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 
14618780 at N07/tags/pixxelpoint2008/

2) Released two new Video Pieces:
"Too close to duchamp's bicycle" and "Neverending Happy End"

Last months Les Liens Invisibles has released two small video/web  
Here they are:

* Too close to duchamp's bicycle
@ http://www.lesliensinvisibles.org/too-close-to-duchamps-bicycle

* Neverending Happy End - The Happy Ending Never Ends
@ http://www.lesliensinvisibles.org/neverending-happy-end

Have a look! We hope you enjoy them!

In Support of Anna Adamolo

The imaginary art group Les Liens Invisibles supports the virtual  
heroine Anna Adamolo against the so called reform Gelmini, a law that  
seriously cuts down on public funding of education in Italy.

* Watch the hijacking video @ http://www.vimeo.com/2431622
* Go to Anna Adamolo's Blog @ http://annaadamolo.noblogs.org/  
(Italian only)
* Have a look to the hijacked Department for Education and Skills @  
http://www.ministeroistruzione.net (Italian only)

Untitled Imaginary Intervention

Les Liens Invisibles has recently participated with a fake-based  
“imaginary intervention” to the italian Exhibition “Luoghi  
dell’Utopia” curated by BAU art organization: eleven big reproduction  
of the most representative (italian and international) art magazines  
gave the illusion of the presence of the artwork into the show with a  
sarcastic collage of hyper-intellectual articles.

have a look @ http://www.lesliensinvisibles.org/2008/08/28/untitled- 

Fake Publishing: just another success story

"Iraq War Ends": a month ago 1.2 million copies of the New York Times  
Special Edition announced the end of the war in one of the most  
successful spoof of all the times leaded by the Yes Men.

Look at their action website, derivated from a Fake is A Fake theme:

You don't know "A Fake is A Fake" yet? Have a fake today:

-- "Ci sono cretini che hanno visto la Madonna e ci sono cretini che  
non hanno
visto la Madonna.
Io sono un cretino che la Madonna non l'ha vista mai.
Tutto consiste in questo, vedere la Madonna o non vederla."

email: dedalus at autistici.org

about my artivity:

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