[aha] PIKSEL FESTIVAL 07 in Bergen - Norway

T_Bazz t_bazz at ecn.org
Thu Nov 15 19:26:43 CET 2007

PIKSEL FESTIVAL 07 in Bergen - Norway

xxxxx_at_piksel:/2007/ schedule and microschedule

Here's a schedule/some microschedule for the 17th November open for
finer detailing:

The shifts:

Open Hardware (12-4PM):

1) Jessica Rylan:

Audio representation of chaos

An open workshop with Noise//sound artist Jessica Rylan working on
circuit boards to elaborate a slowed down audio representation of
chaos. The shift will explore the difference between chaotic and
random systems.

2) Ludic Society:


Mehr Licht to Dark City.

In a certain time-slot TAZ (Hakim Bey), a live coded and live played
street concert "enlightens" some streets of Piksel Bergen by revealing
its invisible architecture. Transformed into LIGHT and DARK "Blitzing"
sounds. Those are emitted by blinking Game-Console screens and
circuit-bent electronic Little Trees. Players carry small
sound-amplifiers on their belts. A firmware flashed Nintendo DS is
running in stealth mode by constantly sensing the playground and its
hooked up "Little Tree" serves as electromagnetic sniffer
alliance. The Wunderbaeumchen or Little Tree starts to LIGHT_UP with
ultra-bright fired LEDs when held over RFID TAGs which are spread
throughout the city. Based on Cabala sequences RFID-Numbers generate
SOUND on the DS Light. The numbers and sounds are transferred to the
new Openlayer overlay Online Map of RFID-Judgement-day.com play -
performed as Black and White Satellite map. Clip on stage and street!

Blitz-light play-gadgets consist of a flashed NintendoDS connected to
a self etched electronic Littletree. This combinatory machine becomes
a War driving access-scan tool to define play clouds in an aerea and
an absurd circuit board which is used to read RFID tags found.

"each House is your game-Console-just place a TAG!"

(level 1 allready starts the day before- the LS team will tag the city
and define play clouds with the help of a sniffer-sound-software on the
DS! we will fotograph and tape this. level2: some players will allready
place TAGS on certain buildings- AND warchalk on the houswalls - on
locations where RFID tags are placed)

2 pm . introduction to the DS and self etched little tree Readers.
explanation of THE game... and how its coded. socially coded.. etc.
3:00 start of the PUBLIC LEVEL 3: Nordlicht Bliz HERO Live coded concert
-  people go out and FIND the TAGS in the city with the help of the
homebrew DS-sniffer software and
3:30-till 4:00pm LIVE CONCERT on the streets of BERGEN-

FOR THIS LIVE PLAY we would need a CAMERA eqipment with a Long cable -
may be still connected to the EVENT LOCATION_ the record of the street
performance SHALL BE LIVE TRANSFERED to the stage

Interface: (4-8PM):

3) Yunchul Kim, Roman Kirchner, Olaf Val:

 >From hardware and chaos elaborations to interface exploration, Roman
Kirschner, Yunchul Kim and Olaf Val attempt to shift the world
interface to include magic. Potential side effects include volcanic
eruptions, according to local EM presence. Bring a gold coin.

4) Otto Roessler:

World as interface

Otto Roessler reveals the power and cruelty of the rationalist project
as first invoked within a dream of Rene Descartes. Through elaboration
of endophysics, a science of interiority, the world as interface is
implemented within potential practical, scientific and artistic

Code: (8-12PM):

5) Tatiana Bazzichelli, Paolo Cirio, Shu Lea Cheang, Stewart Home:

Working group for an elaboration of pornographic code

Mapping out an advanced circle of manias, the pornographic code
working group examines active strategies, device fetishes within the
becoming-code of pornography.

6) Final compilation and execution (all).

Final execution: A compilation with all participants and audience in
the tradition of the appalling Summer Stock (1950 with Gene Kelly and
Judy Garland). The total apparatus, constructed and assembled during
the previous ten hours, will be rendered executable and thus active.

The life coders will work continuously throughout the 12 hour event,
instructing, structuring and restructuring the event.

More info:
xxxxx mailing list
xxxxx at bek.no

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          /c_"/   T_Bazz    www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
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